Troubleshoot Toilet Problems

toilet installed

Troubleshooting Three Common Toilet Problems

Nobody wants to have a toilet on the fritz, but wait just a minute: Just because a toilet is acting up, that does not necessarily mean it is time to have the whole thing replaced. It is true enough that toilets are not built to last forever, and that a time will probably come when you need to call in a professional plumber to switch out the old toilet for a brand new one. With that said, there are plenty of common toilet problems that can be fairly easily diagnosed and resolved.

Running Forever

One of the most annoying toilet problems is when the toilet simply runs all the time. Not only is this supremely irritating, but it can also be murder on your water bills. On top of that, it’s bad for the Earth, as a forever-running toilet is anything but conservative with its water use. All told, this is one problem you will want to resolve as quickly as you can.

So how do you fix the problem? Open the tank lid and look at the flapper, which is usually a rubber gasket, black or blue in color, that covers the fill hole to the toilet ball. Is the flapper seated on the fill hole properly? If there’s not a tight, snug fit, then water is escaping from the tank into the bowl, causing that perpetual running. You can fix it by adjusting the chain or, if the flapper looks old and worn, just replacing it; it should cost less than $5 to get a new one!

Overflowing Bowls

Of course, overflowing toilet bowls are also problematic—and you can probably guess what causes them: Clogs and build-ups in the plumbing. Really, the best way to address this issue is simply by having a plunger handy. If the issue recurs, there are some all-natural ways to clear clogs in your drains, but it is important to be careful about what you flush down your toilets—and perhaps to consult with a plumber before taking any extreme actions.

Loose Seats

A final issue that you may face with your toilet is the seat that’s loose, leading to discomfort for those who sit down. This is an annoying problem, but not something worth replacing the entire toilet over! The first thing to do is to look at the two bolts hidden under the lid and simply tighten them, as needed; depending on your particular toilet, you may need either a flathead or a Phillips screwdriver. If the bolts are simply worn down and have lost their tread, you may just want to buy a new seat altogether, which can be done for as little as $20.

Again, it is important to note that, for all of the easy, at-home toilet repairs you can make, there may come a time when you do need to call a professional plumber to replace the unit altogether. is happy to provide toilet diagnosis, repair, and replacement work for homeowners throughout the Vancouver area!

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