4 Things to Think About When You Remodel Your Bathroom

shower valve in wall

4 Things to Think About When You Remodel Your Bathroom

Whether you’re looking to improve your own quality of life or else enhance the value of your home, a bathroom remodeling project can certainly be the way to go. It’s seldom a small or an easy undertaking, but it is a great investment in your home—one that can pay off big time down the road. The project is so big and expansive, however, that many homeowners struggle to know where even to begin!

Of course, the specifics of your bathroom remodeling project will vary depending on your own preferences, goals, and budget. There is no right or wrong way to approach a bathroom remodel, but—whether you’re doing this yourself or hiring a home improvement contractor—there are a few specific considerations to make before you begin the work.

Your plumbing lifespan.

First and foremost, note that the pipes in your home are not made to last forever. Plastic pipes should last a good long while, and copper ones tend to last for at least a couple of decades before they develop leaks, if not longer. Galvanized steel pipes, meanwhile, have a shorter life expectancy—and frankly, you’ll want to replace them before problems start.

If you’re doing a full bathroom remodel, the pipes are likely going to be exposed anyway—so it’s prudent to at least think about possibly replacing them, with the help of a plumbing professional.

Water conservation.

A bathroom remodeling project provides you with an ideal time to invest in some water-conserving, money-saving installations. Even low-flow faucets could make a huge difference—reducing water flow by as much as 30 percent, without any noticeable drop off in quality.

Special needs.

How long do you intend on living in this house? Do you foresee any older family members moving in with you? A bathroom remodel provides you with an important chance to think about special needs accommodations, to make your bathroom more accessible to those who are a little bit less physically robust. Toilet heights, specially designed wall-mounted fixtures, grab bars—these are things to at least think about!

The look of your bathroom.

Last but not least, of course, there is the look of your bathroom. This is entirely subjective, but we would recommend thinking about replacing an older tub or shower with a combined-function unit—which can not only look nicer but also offer wider usefulness.

There are countless options available, of course, as you think about the desired look and feel of your new bathroom. To consult with a Vancouver plumbing professional, we invite you to contact our team today!

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