Tips To Clean Your Bathroom Like a Pro
Have you ever gone on a trip, checked into a hotel, and reacted with amazement at the cleanliness of the bathroom? Sometimes, of course, hotel bathrooms leave something to be desired—but in nicer hotels, the bathrooms always seem incredible, immaculate, and spotless. They can be so pristinely clean, in fact, that they make you wonder why your home bathroom never seems quite so fresh and inviting.
The short answer is that hotel bathrooms are cleaned by professionals—people who really know the process of bathroom cleaning, inside and out. Would you like to learn some of their tricks—to get a bathroom that’s never anything less than sweet-smelling, orderly, and sanitary? Check out some of these recommendations:
- Always start with dusting and vacuuming. When we start thinking about cleaning the bathroom, most of us tend to get caught up in the plumbing—in the toilet and sink stuff. In truth, one of the best ways to keep your bathroom spotless is to make sure there isn’t a bunch of hair and dust gathered everywhere. Hit all the shelves, as well as the floors—just like the hotel cleaning personnel does it!
- When scrubbing surfaces—especially the sink, the bathtub, and tile—use the hottest water you can get. Hot tap water will help loosen much of the gunk and grime that has built up, and make it easier to remove.
- When spraying down bathroom surfaces, make sure you cover each area evenly with cleaning solution—not just spraying heavily in one area and then scrubbing outward from there. Evenness is key to ensuring that you don’t miss anything.
- Before scrubbing, let your soap or your cleaning solution just sit for a few minutes. Allow it to work some of its magic, to loosen some of the gunk and grime buildup before you wipe it away. Spray everything and then take a five minute breather before you get to wiping.
- After you use cleaning chemicals, make sure to also rinse off your surfaces. This prevents the bathroom from smelling like cleaning solutions.
- Don’t forget the little things, including bathroom linens. Your shower curtain and all towels should be washed regularly, lest mold, mildew, and unwanted odors start to form.
This may sound like a lengthy, mechanical process, but in truth, just mastering a few basic techniques can make it easier than ever for you to keep your bathroom clean and tidy.
If you need more than just a good cleaning—if you need your drains cleaned out or fixtures replaces, for example—our team is standing by to assist. Give us a call today!
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