Where You’ll Find Mold in Your Home
Few things are nastier or more tenacious than mold. Simply put: If the conditions are right, mold can and will grow in your home. If you catch it early then there may be no serious problem, but if mold is allowed to thrive for long it can cause major property damage, and prove expensive to get rid of.
If you find yourself with a bad mold problem, you may need to call a professional mold remediation company. You will also want to eliminate the root cause of the mold, which will involve some sort of dark, moist environment. If, for instance, you have leaky pipes or other moisture problems, you’ll obviously want to have them corrected—or else the mold will just keep coming.
As such, it’s helpful to know the “danger areas” in your home where mold is most likely to grow. Check them regularly, and act quickly to address any mold problems you spot.
Some of those problem areas include:
- The bathroom. There is a lot of moisture generated in this room, and that’s what leads to mold. Check around sinks and toilets, on shower curtains, and on wet towels.
- The attic. Leaky roofs or improper ventilation can both cause mold to grow. Many homeowners go into their attics infrequently, so mold can grow here for a long time without being noticed. Make an extra effort to poke up into the attic and scan for mold.
- The basement. Many issues can lead to basement mold, especially in older homes—foundation cracks, broken drain tiles, leaky pipes, and on down the list.
- The kitchen. Again, a lot of moisture is generated in this room. Make sure you look in all the areas where moisture is most prevalent, and where you don’t mop or clean as regularly—behind the fridge, around the dishwasher, and under the sink.
- The windows. Condensation can form around windows, especially older ones, and lead to mold around your window frame.
- The crawlspace. Here’s another place where moisture is common and where homeowners seldom venture. Pipes can develop leaks or moisture can get in through vents and through foundation cracks, and mold can grow quite rapidly.
- The laundry room. Finally, make sure you check for any slow leaks around your washing machine—any of which can facilitate the growth of mold.
Be vigilant—and if you identify moisture issues, have them fixed before you spot any mold!
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